Borderlands Gets Improved Features

Borderland 2 VR

Borderlands is one of the most popular VR games right now. As a shooter game, it was meant to work with PlayStation Aim, the VR shooting device that accompanies the PS VR headset. However, even though it was designed for that, there were some problems.

Now those have been fixed so VR loving shooters can get their fill of shooting fun with Borderlands. Now if you go to the options, you’ll see you can swap weapons and buttons. You can also move forward with a head movement or with your gun. This makes it easy to do things like shoot to the right while looking to the left to make sure no one is sneaking up behind you.

Some other great features that allow you to improve your experience include the ability to turn on and off the crosshairs, an improved scope and others. It’s a good thing they are making all these improvements because most people were not all that impressed with the virtual reality version of this game. They hoped that the company behind the game would work on the features that they wished they would find in this VR game. So, now it is on the road to improvement.

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It’s really hard for some gaming companies to comply with every single device and accessory for virtual reality. So it makes sense that some of them would have to do a second pass to improve conditions for specific devices. What is your favorite video game that you would like to see on virtual reality? Or, what is a game that you already play on virtual reality headsets that needs some feature improved? Tell us about it and we may research your suggested topic and write an article about it!

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