Is Apple Getting Into VR Next?

Apple Patent Video Goggle


There are rumors flying about a new potential Apple product: Apple Glasses. According to patents the tech giant company has filed, they have actually been researching virtual reality and augmented reality for at least 10 years, but now there is evidence that they may actually be working on a project to put all their hard work to use. One huge rumor about Apple is that they have a secret research team working on virtual reality that is not allowed to talk about anything they are working on.

Plus, in the past few years, Apple has bought up several virtual reality and augmented reality companies, which is another sign pointing to their increased involvement in this area of tech.

In addition to a potential virtual reality headset, they may be working on an augmented reality device that will be like a pair of goggles you can wear to make life more exciting. Some experts think that the smart glasses might be similar to Apple Watch. It will work with your smartphone, which is genius because it allows the device to remain small as it will use the processor of your phone. However, it will not likely have any tethers or need to physically connect to the phone.

Just like your texts from your iPhone show up on your Apple computer as long as your phone is nearby, this will connect to your phone. However, it will come with a box for processing. This box eliminates the need for special cameras on the device for AR and VR calculations for the most reliable virtual reality experiences.

Other experts believe the input methods on these devices will be touch panels, voice control and even head gestures. Each display would be 8K, which offers a great view. The company has also been exploring holograms and other futuristic topics that would only have been in science fiction just a few years ago. Apple is always a leader in attractive and quality technology so everyone is waiting to see what they are coming up with now.

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